Storage Services in Bath
How it Works
Working in partnership with Storage King we provide a by the box shared user storage facility starting from just *£8.50 per box per month.
Work out what you have to store and for how long and let us know we will then collect your stuff when it suits you, if you are storing with us that’s great if you are not that’s also great, we can put directly into your storage facility
We’ll keep it safe and secure for as long as you like
Get in touch with your return date and we will deliver back to you. If you are not storing with us, we can collect from your storage provider with your permission and deliver it back to you, there is no need for you to be present.
We can also collect and deliver to any UK destination with a range of delivery options.
Conventional parcel service or Direct Delivery.
*Rates based on small box W x L x H, max 100 cm combined. Collection / return insurance charges apply and are restricted for Students from City of Bath. For other areas please contact us for a quote.